Useful Links
If you seek background information from liver research organisations and advice from liver patient organisations, or if you simply want to connect with other cirrhosis patients, these links are for you. Please contact us with suggestions of further helpful links that you think should be added to the list. For A-TANGO info brochures (in various languages), press releases, posters, and more, please visit the Downloads page. To receive our half-yearly newsletter, subscribe here.
Background Information
- Article on “Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF): an update”
- Article on “Acute-on-chronic liver failure vs. traditional acute decompensation of cirrhosis”
- Article on “Improving Quality of Care in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis”
- Cirrhosis article on Wikipedia
- MayoClinic article “Cirrhosis: Symptoms, causes, Diagnosis and Treatment”
- Medical video explaining cirrhosis pathology
- More information on cirrhosis
- Quiz: How healthy is your liver?
- Risk Assessment: What’s your risk to develop a liver disease?
Liver Research Organisations
- American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
- Asociacion Espanola para el Estudio del Higado (AEEH)
- Association Française Pour l’Etude du Foie (AFEF)
- Belgian Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL)
- Clif Research (Chronic Liver Failure Consortium)
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Studium der Leber
- European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF CLIF)
- European Association for The Study of the Liver (EASL)
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hepatologie (NVH), Netherlands Association for the Study of The Liver (NASL)
Patient Organisations
- EUROPE: European Liver Patients Association (ELPA)
- BELGIUM: Vlaams Hepatitis Contactpunt (VHC)
- DENMARK: Leverforeningen
- FRANCE: SOS Hépatites Fédération
- GERMANY: Deutsche Leberstiftung
- The NETHERLANDS: Nederlandse Leverpatiënten Vereniging
- SPAIN: Associació Catalana de Malalts d’Hepatitis (ASSCAT)
- SPAIN : Federación Nacional de Enfermos y Transplantados Hepáticos (FNETH)
- UK: British Liver Trust
- UK: Liver4Life
- USA: Chronic Liver Disease Foundation
- USA: American Liver Foundation