University College London

Team Leader

Dr. Fausto Andreola

Senior Research Fellow
Phone: +44 207 433 289 3
Fax: +44 207 433 289 3
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Team Staff

Prof. Dr. Rajiv Jalan

Professor of Hepatology
Phone: +44 207 433 279 5
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Wenting Tan, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher
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Ahmed Ibrahim (MD)

Clinical Research Fellow
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Marko Rupčić

Project Manager, UCL European Research & Innovation Office
Phone: +44 203 108 589 4
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Institute Presentation

The University College London (UCL) Institute for Liver and Digestive Health (UCL-ILDH), a research department of the UCL Division of Medicine, concentrates the whole Hepatology, Hepato-biliary (HPB) medicine, surgery, and Liver Transplantation unit at UCL. The Institute provides also academic leadership for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy. The UCL-ILDH is a major education site in the area of Liver and Digestive Medicine.

The UCL team is drawn from the Liver Failure Group (LFG) within the UCL-ILDH, which has strong expertise in translational medicine with an approach from “bench to bed-site” and vice versa.

In A-TANGO, the LFG at UCL-ILDH leads work package 4 (WP4) with the role of both coordinating biobanking in cooperation with EF CLIF & ABR and validating the companion biomarkers used as a tool to identify patients who are likely to respond to the selected combination therapy carried out at the different study sites, including – amongst 30 liver centers in total – the Charité, Leiden University Medical Center, UCL, and University Clinic Leipzig.